Special Equipment
» Cytocare
» Bausche Type 535
» CompacT SelecT

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Cytocare: the solution for compounding sterile preparation

Until 1960 people belive that maximun a person could live until 70 years, but thanks to the improvement that medicine as done in the last 40 years that limit has gone much higher. With that good news some bad had came. Today cancer is one of the worst enemy of human health. To defeat this enemy we are investing many efforts, and there is an improvement in the care of each step, but at the same time there is a need of containing cost.

The increasing demand for high standard treatment combined with the shortage of high skilled staff, results in a workload that influence the quality.

Cytocare permits you to lower the risk of a bad preparation, increasing quality and having a optimal allocation of human resources.

The system is designed to be friendly and easy to use, plus the high certificated technology give a perfect final result.

Four years ago the first Cytocare was sold, and 97% of the preparation are perfectly done.

-Doublecheck: each preparation is controlled two times, to eliminate dosage errors or drug mistakes.

-Accuracy: the perfect dosage guarantee an optimal use of therapy and a saving cost for the hospital that minimize the waste.

-Sterility: With a ISO Class 5 clean room Cytocare protect the preparation form contamination. During the night the working surfaces are UV lights sterilize, so no human hand have contact with the sterile area.

-User Friendly: you won't need a high skilled doctor to use it, the software gives you total control over the process. You would be able to trace every step of the preparation from the doctor prescription to the patient. That would make easier the control of stocks and needs of the hospital. No more out of stock or waste.

-Quality: that should be the first reason. The overall quality of your service would have an improvement, no more tired person that can make mistakes and put in danger the health of your patient. Minimize the risk of exposure to hazardous medications and needle-stick injuries of your workers.

CyToCare - User's Manual

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